Birthday Celebration

Hearing the word birthday brings a smile on every child’s face. Birthday means cake, gifts and lots of wishes. Be it cutting the cake or serving the cake, both the tasks are a lot of fun.

Every child likes to celebrate his birthday. I think all children like that someone wishes them a happy birthday. There are many children whose birthday is celebrated with great joy at their homes. Still, there are some children whose families do not celebrate their birthday or do not make celebration.

When we decided to celebrate the life of our children in school, at that time there was no expectation of children being so happy.

What can I say, I am very excited to see the participation of our small friends in this program. Maybe that’s why we all celebrate our birthday on 5th September. No matter how small, it seems good.

We celebrate birthday of all the children. As many student’s birthdays come in a month, a birthday celebration is organized for all of them on the last Saturday of the month.
Now the department agrees that children’s birthdays should be celebrated. This is also part of the innovation and helps in the retention of students in school.